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24th March 2020

Covid-19 Situation

At the moment, social media is full of news around the evolving Covid-19 situation. As a support business for utility companies we fall into the essential key worker category, as I’m sure a huge number of our friends on Facebook do, as we continue our work in the trenchless sector.
We are continuing to process orders, service product and despatch equipment as normal through a combination of home working where possible, and segregating site staff according to health & safety advice. You should not notice a material difference in service and support. So if you have any sales, service or parts needs for the equipment that keeps you going, please get in touch.
Finally, as we make our way through these troubling times, we would like to send our best wishes to you, your colleagues and your families. We are convinced that by working together, all our customers, partners (and even our competitors!) can come out the other side of the coronavirus episode even stronger than before!
We will be back in touch as the situation evolves, but in the meantime give us a call or drop us a message. Doesn’t even have to be about work, just get in touch if you need someone to talk to and have the usual banter
Stay safe everyone.




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